SELF, pergole in Alluminio/Ferro a quadrupla Gronda. Eleganti e robuste allo stesso tempo, sono idonee ad applicazioni sia in case private, sia in luoghi pubblici.

La copertura è in opatex ad impacchettamento. I frangivento sono pre calandrati per garantire robustezza e il deflusso dell’acqua nelle gronde. Le gronde completamente cablabili sono dotate di un sistema di insonorizzazione antigoccia. Self, inoltre, non ha bisogno di essere ancorata a terra.



Larghezza Massima 5,5 m

Sporgenza Massima 7,3 m


Motorizzazione Coassiale Somfy


Self is an aluminum/iron pergola with quadruple rain gutter. The opatex fabric is refolded. The wind-break bars are pre-calendered in order to grant a good robustness and the water discharge into the four rain gutter. All rain gutter are completely wireable and equipped with an anti-drip soundproofing system. Moreover Self does not need to be fixed on the floor.

With a classic and elegant structure, SELF is a tailormade flat mobile cover, in aluminium and steel for protection against the sun and rain.

The cover is moved as per standard by a radiocontrolled motor for carriages that run inside the guides, driven by a belt with steel wires, guided by a belt pulley. The structure is realised using 4 galvanised and painted pillars with section of 20×20 onto which 4 perimeter bands are mounted, composed of 3 aluminium profiles.



Max width 5,5 m

Max projection 7,3 m


Motorization Somfy

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